AZPoetryPedia Submission Format
AZPoetryPedia is enhanced through the work of the people involved in the Arizona poetry community. Through their contributions, the work of poets and others through time can be remembered, researched and shared well into the future.
Scope of Submissions
The only requirements for new submission content is that it 1) be related to poetry and 2) be connected to Arizona. As such, no genre, style or group is intentionally given favor over any other. The content of the site is driven by how active the poets and others in Arizona are in providing updates.
Formatting of Text for Submissions
Submissions can be organized many different ways, but with the following consistencies:
- Text should be emotionally neutral.
- Content should be factually accurate.
- Language should be professional in nature.
- Information should be as complete as able.
Considerations for the Submission of Images
Images, be they for photography of poets or events, media representations of album covers or any other graphical asset, should meet the following criteria:
- Submitter must have permission to submit the image to AZPoetryPedia
- Submitter is granting permission, and accepts the responsibility for, allowing AZPoetryPedia to display the asset in relation to the content.
- Image is accurate in relation to the connected content (ie. It's really a photo from that event, etc.)
Considerations for the Submission of Media (Audio and Video)
- Submitter must have permission to submit the media to AZPoetryPedia
- Submitter is granting permission, and accepts the responsibility for, allowing AZPoetryPedia to make the media available to website visitors.